Hi, I’m Kaiming Jin

🚀 Who am I?

I am a senior student at Beihang University. I specialize in School of Computer Science and Engineering and have 3 years of experience. I love working on projects that involve Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence.

📚 My Educational Background

  • 2018-2021 Beijing No.80 High School
  • 2021-2025 School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang University

💡 My Interests:

  • My professional interests:
    • Generative Model
    • Soft Engineering
    • Maybe Computer organization and System

In summary, I love anything creative. In other word, I enjoy the feeling of creating a mini world in my programme, no matter it contains dozens or thoussands of lines.

  • My hobbies:
    • Basketball
    • Basketball Referee
    • Talkshow or Stand-up Comedy

By the way, I love Steph Curry and Jay chou

🥇 My Awards:

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📃 My Papers:

Waiting to fill in…

🔗 Connect Me: