
jkm Lv2

Task 1 小作文

Lesson 1. Overview

* No conclusion
* Write a summary(the overview)

Question types:

  1. Line graph
  2. Bar chart
  3. Pie chart
  4. Table
  5. Diagram - comparing
  6. Diagram - process

4 paragraphs

  1. Introduction
    1. 1 sentence: Paraphrase the question
  2. Overview
    1. 2 sentence: The main, general things
    2. No specific numbers
    3. Do not use “In conclusion”
  3. Details
  4. Details
    1. Why 2 paragraphs? This makes you organise or group the information better.

No conclusion!

Lesson 2. Line Graph

  • Usually 3 or 4 lines
  • Compare the lines, not describe them seperately
  • Two type of Comparison:
    1. Make a very general comparison.(2nd paragraph)

      e.g. The blue line is higher than the other line overall.
    2. Compare the lines at specific points. (3rd and 4th)
      Write at least one thing about each line.

An example:

  1. Introduction
    • electricity production -> amount of electricity produced
    • 题目如果没说几种可以加上
    • between 1980 and 2012 -> over a period of 32 years
  2. Overview
    • 注意这里没有直接说核能是最高的,而是说了核能是最重要的能源
    • 找最大、最小的
  3. Paragraph 3
    • 思路:从第一年开始,比较四条线;并找一个交叉点(较重要的点)
    • Don’t just use the word you can take from the graph
    • Be very careful of the subjects!
  4. Paragraph 4
    • 思路:每条线至少可以写一件事。
    • detail的两段把四条线都写了
  • Vocabulary:
    • amount of electricity produced
    • source of / provided / generating
    • means of electricity generation
    • over a period of / over the period shown
    • by far the most important(到目前为止最重要的)
    • a negligible amount
    • nuclear power overtook thermal power
    • as the primary source of electricity
    • rose dramatically to a peak of
    • by contrast
    • the figure for(…的数据)
    • remained at this level, remained stable
    • saw only a small rise

Lesson 3. Bar Chart

Your job is to compare the bars.

  1. Make a very general comparison. (2nd paragraph)
  2. Compare specific numbers.

An example:

  1. Introduction
    • shows -> compares
    • sales -> sold worldwide
    • top five mobile phone brands -> five most popular manufacturers
    • between 2009 and 2003 -> in the years of 2009, 2011 and 2013
  2. Overview
    • 两个方面:横向 & 纵向
  3. Paragraph 3
    • Group: 第三段写三星和诺基亚(销量最高的两个),第四段写其他。
    • Languages:
      • Compariosns:
        • almost double
        • second most successful
        • whereas
        • had become the market leader
      • Changes over time:
        • Over the following 4 years
        • sales figures fell by approximately 200 million units
        • saw sales rise by a similar amount
  4. Paragraph 4
    • Languages:
      • Comparisons
        • these companies sold…respectively
        • Apple overtook the other two
        • while…and
      • Changes over time
        • purchases of Apple handsets reached
        • LG saw declining sales
        • figures for ZTE rose only slightly
  • Vocabulary:

Lesson 4. Pie Chart

  1. Make a very general comparison. (2nd paragraph)
  2. Compare specific numbers.

An example:

  1. Introduction
    • five categories
    • spending -> expenditure
    • in two contries -> in UK and New Zealand
    • between 1980 and 2008 -> in the year of 2008
  2. Overview
    • counterparts: 对应的事物
  3. Paragraph 3
    • The same information as the overview, but in more detail(Doesn’t always work)
  4. Paragraph 4


  • 不要写成第3段一个国家/年份,第四段另一个的形式
  • Other不重要不是因为最少,而是本身就不重要


  • by + time : past perfect

Lesson 5. Table

Your job is to select, compare and describe the key numbers

An example:

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview
    • revenue: 收入
  3. Details 1
    • totally about number of tourists
    • all five contries are mentioned
    • start from the highest
  4. Details 2
    • last sentence is nice because it links 3rd and 4th paragraph
    • structure: 1 big sentence about the highest, 1 sentence about the other, 1 sentence is link
  • Select 6-10 figures
  • Vacabulary:
    • 4 word is enough: rise, fall, increase, decrease

Lesson 6. 2 Different Chart

Your job is to select, compare and describe the key numbers

But you don’t need to compare the 2 charts together - you can describe them separately.

  1. First, Look for one main feature in each chart (1 and 2 paragraphs)
  2. Second, describe specific numbers for each chart seperately (details paragraphs)

An example:

  1. Introduction
    • 适当去掉没有用的信息
    • men and women -> males and females
    • various -> four different
    • courses -> classes
    • information about the ages -> age profile
    • participants -> attendees
  2. Overview
  3. Details 1
    • First, “according to the bar chart” means this paragraph is about bar chart
    • more women than men -> both genders -> more men than women
    • mention specific number (not too much)
    • Adding numbers: “, with”, “, attracting”
  4. Details 2
    • Adding numbers: “To be precise, “
  • Vacabulary:

Lesson 7. Process diagram

  • Describing a process is completely different from describing a graph, bar chart, pie chart or table

  • Differences:

    • no numbers
    • can’t compare anything
    • can’t describe trends
  • What can we describe?

    • how many steps
    • where the process begins and ends
    • each step in the process
  • Language for process descriptions:

    • ‘steps’ language
      • At the first stage in the process
      • The process begins with
      • Secondly, Finally
      • The second step involves
      • Next, then, after that
      • At the following stage
    • passive verbs
  • An example

  1. Introduction
    • describe seperately
    • diagrams -> first/second flow diagram
  2. Overview
    • Select information
    • 和之前不一样:写原材料、分别有几个步骤
  3. Details 1
  4. Details 2
  • Vocabulary:

Lesson 8. Comparison diagrams

  • Your job is to compare the diagrams:

    • Describe the changes
    • Describe things don’t change
    • Describe the differences
    • Describe the similarities
  • Pay attention to Verb Tense

  • An example:

  1. Introduction
    • diagrams -> two pictures
    • existing ground floor plan -> current layout
    • some building work -> redesign the same living space
  2. Overview
    • 要点: 选变量和不变量
  3. Details 1

  4. Details 2

  • Vocabulary:
  • 标题: Simon雅思写作网课笔记——小作文篇
  • 作者: jkm
  • 创建于 : 2024-08-24 23:41:00
  • 更新于 : 2024-08-24 22:13:02
  • 链接:
  • 版权声明: 本文章采用 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 进行许可。